Dryad Counseling LLC

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Settling In

I have moved states just under 2 months ago and somehow I still expected to be settled into our new place by now.

I felt like with the relatively clean slate moving to a new state would make it easier, but there are still small things that seem to jump out at me.

I think the biggest one was that my dog didn’t come with us. He passed shortly before the move and my companion of almost 20 years wasn’t here to comfort me. I have his ashes, but it isn’t the same. I think settling in might have been a little easier if I wasn’t also in mourning.

I wasn’t much of a social person in Ohio to begin with and the sense of isolation I feel now is daunting. I don’t even have old friends to connect with out here. I am planning to network, but there isn’t that sense of knowing where a person might be from to make that easier.

There have been some great things from the move. I found an almost appreciation for the nature around here that I didn’t seem to have in Ohio and hiking feels a little nicer in a mountainous area. My partner and I are finding ordering out to be less entertaining because there just isn’t as much available, so we have been connecting with new recipes and trying more local produce.

I still find myself feeling unsettled and need to remember to give myself time to adjust.

As always, if you find yourself feeling like you need to talk to someone about feeling unsettled or stressed, Dryad Counseling is still accepting new clients (Ohio only). Book a consultation today!

#mentalhealth #moving #stress #newstate #transition #counseling